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MAY 23-24, 2024

University of Aveiro

Welcome Message

Bruno Bernardes de Jesus

iBiMED´s Coordinator

It is with my greatest pleasure that I support the VII iBiMED symposium with the motto Sharing science, inspiring progress. Science is a shared journey that awakens progress and innovation across communities. The spirit of scientific knowledge lies in the dissemination and sharing of discoveries. When scientists share their work, they bridge the gap between specialized knowledge and the world. The act of sharing enables collaborations, discussion, and synergies, fuelling progress, and societal development and driving advancements in technology, medicine, and sustainability. This symposium will be a forum for ideas, where the sharing of science will provide multiple opportunities to foster our research culture of curiosity, collaboration, and learning.


Year after year, I´m enthusiastic and deeply grateful to be part of iBiMED´s team. The organizing committee of the 2024 symposium is an example of dedication and hard work. An example of how students can overcome any barrier. A special thanks to everyone involved, to the participants, and the University of Aveiro, and wishes for a successful post-graduate symposium.


iBiMED´s research program has been consolidated over the past years. The quality of our research is increasing gradually making important contributions to the national and international recognition of our university´s Health Sciences Program. Additionally, we are at the forefront of sustainable research equally supporting the societal relevance of biomedical investigation. Being part of the new Academic Clinical Centre, a virtuous partnership with our associated members, namely the Aveiro (CHBV), Sta Maria da Feira (CHEDV), Gaia/Espinho (CHVNG/E) hospitals, and several Health Centres of the Aveiro and Aveiro-Northern regions, will allow us to endeavor better working conditions, biomedical research infrastructures and the implementation of new programs on clinical and translational research, thriving new job opportunities to young researchers.



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