MAY 25-26, 2023
It is with my greatest pleasure that I welcome back the Post-graduate Symposium in Biomedicine to iBiMED. This symposium is a very important event of iBiMED's research program, concealing team building activities, open discussions, and the latest technical research advancements. This year, the symposium is organized by our newly established PhD commission to strengthen a new vision of iBiMED centered on people. The symposium will be a forum for ideas and will provide multiple opportunities to improve our research culture, to correct aspects of our working habits and to learn important strategies of career development.
iBiMED's research program has been consolidated over the past years. The quality of our research is gradually increasing and making important contributions to the national and international recognition of our university's Health Sciences Program. Additionally, we are at the forefront of sustainable research equally supporting the societal relevance of biomedical investigation. Being part of the new Academic Clinical Centre, a virtuous partnership with our associated members, namely the Aveiro (CHBV), Sta Maria da Feira (CHEDV), Gaia/Espinho (CHVNG/E) hospitals and several Health Centres of the Aveiro and Aveiro-Northern regions, will allow us to endeavour better working conditions, biomedical research infrastructures and the implementation of new programs on clinical and translational research, thriving new job opportunities to young researchers.
As the newly appointed coordinator of iBiMED, I'm enthusiastic and deeply grateful to be part of this team. I recognize the organizing committee of the 2023 Post-graduate Symposium for their hard work in preparing this important gathering, which will be of major importance for the FCT institutional evaluation taking place in late 2023. A special thank you to everyone involved and to the participants and wishes of a successful and productive post-graduate symposium. Finally, “the best way to predict the future is to create it”, let's together, design a brilliant future for iBiMED.
Bruno Bernardes de Jesus
Coordinator of iBiMED
From Fundamental Research to Clinical Practice

Day 1 | 25 May 2023
12h30 - 14h00
14h00 - 15h40
Session I - Neurosciences and Regeneration
Chair: Sandra Rebelo
From the choroid plexus to the V-SVZ and back: implications for multiple sclerosis
Ana Mendanha Falcão (University of Minho, PT)
Diogo Trigo
Novel perspectives on neuronal differentiation: insights from BRI2 protein
Mariana Vassal
Blood-derived extracellular vesicles metabolic signatures in Alzheimer´s disease
Tânia Martins
Transcriptomic signatures of the central and peripheral nervous systems, 24 hours after lesion
Patrícia Correia
Optimized automated analysis characterizes mitochondrial damage due to oxidative stress and rescue via retinoid acid receptor modulation
José Vitória
Flash Presentation Q&As
15h40 - 16h10
Registration and Poster delivery
Opening Session
Artur Silva, Vice-Rector of the University of Aveiro
Odete Cruz e Silva, Director of DCM
Bruno Jesus, Director of iBiMED
Coffee Break
16h10 - 17h50
Session II - Cancer and Ageing
Chair: Alexandra Nunes
Aging, cancer and cognition studies using large cohort metabolomics datasets
Rui Pinto (Imperial College London, UK)
Sandrina Nóbrega-Pereira
Metabolic barriers in the direct reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts into induced cardiomyocytes
Francisco Santos
Pilot screen aiming to unravel novel BRCA2 gene interactions in Drosophila melanogaster
Soraia Silva
Decoding human LAP1 (dys)function: emerging ideas from the analysis of LAP1-deficient cells
Cátia D Pereira
CAVPENET inhibits 2D and 3D prostate cancer cells growth by modulating protein phosphatases activity
Bárbara Matos
Flash Presentation Q&As
Closing Remarks
Workshop on Mental Health in Research and Academia
Sónia Soares Coelho
Workshop: I’m a Ph.D. and Now?
Ana Rita Ferreira, Researcher iBiMED
Joana Vieira Silva, Medical Writer at Trilogy Writing & Consulting
Vânia Rocha, Epidemiologist IQVIA
Symposium Dinner

Day 2 | 26 May 2023
8h30 - 9h00
10h40 - 11h10
9h00 - 10h40
Session III - Reproduction and Development
Chair: Margarida Fardilha
The Genesis and Future of STOPSPERM Bioportides
John Howl (University of Wolverhampton, UK)
Epigenetic modulation of oncogenic transformation during epithelial differentiation
Torcato Martins
Does sperm get old? Proteomic fingerprint of the age-associated decline in human sperm quality
Joana Santiago
Trithorax Group Proteins are required for oocyte determination
Brigite Cabrita
AQP7-mediated glycerol permeability is linked to human sperm hyperactivation
João Ribeiro
Exposure to aminocarb leads mouse Sertoli cells to apoptosis
Sílvia Moreira
Flash Presentation Q&As
Coffee Break
11h10 - 12h50
Session IV - Host-microbe Interactions
Chair: Daniela Ribeiro
Christina Ehrhardt (University of Jena, DE), powered by

Ana Rita Bezerra
Impact of the host cell tRNA epitranscriptome on Influenza A virus infection
Diana Ribeiro
The contribution of pDC and ER stress to fibrosis
Beatriz Ferreira
Activation of the MAVS-dependent antiviral signaling at peroxisomes induces a complete and rapid IFN response
Bruno Ramos
Smooth Operators: peptide decorated nanoparticles to relieve infection and promote angiogenesis in skin chronic wounds
Pedro Alves
Flash Presentation Q&As
12h50 - 14h30
Lunch Break
16h10 - 17h00
Poster Session & Coffee Break
14h30 - 16h10
Session V - Population Health
Chair: Fernando Ribeiro
Pulmonary vascular disease: clinical practice is pleading for translational research
Mário Santos (University of Porto, PT)
Non-pharmacological management of chronic cough: Old problem, (not so) new solution?
Ana Oliveira
Photodynamic inactivation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus on skin
Márcia Braz
Efficacy of the PICk UP trial on the physical activity of people with COPD: per-protocol analysis
Patrícia Rebelo
Can the balance of patients with left ventricular ejection fraction ≤40 be considered as an indicator of their health status?
Carina Rebelo
The Influence of Genetic Factors on Reduced Functional Status in COPD
Rui Marçalo
Flash Presentation Q&As
17h00 - 17h45
Round Table - From Fundamental Research to Clinical Practice: challenges, opportunities, and future directions
Moderation: Odete Cruz e Silva
Bruno Neves
Catarina Almeida
Firmino Machado
Luisa Helguero
Miguel Pais Vieira
Vera Afreixo
Award & Closing Session
Best Poster & Oral Communication Awards
Two prizes were be awarded:
one for the best poster presentation
one for the best oral communication
The decision of the Scientific Committee will be announced at the Closing Ceremony of the symposium.